Educational issues

To assist the assessment process of various educational issues Affinity Consultancy uses the following tools:

WISC-V UK Wechsler Intellingence Scale for Children (5th Ed.) provides a measure of general intellectual functioning. It assesses verbal and nonverbal reasoning, working memory, and processing speed.  Available for ages 6 years to 16 years 11 months.

WAIS-IV Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scales (4th Ed.) provides a measure of general intellectual functioning. It assesses verbal and nonverbal reasoning, working memory, and processing speed.  Available for adults from the age of 17 years.

WIAT-III Wechsler Individual Achievement Test  (3rd Ed.) is a comprehensive test for assessing the achievement of children and adolescents who are aged between  4 and 16 years 11 months.

WRIT Wide Range Intelligence Test (4th Ed.) is an efficient measure of general intelligence. This test assesses both verbal and non-verbal ability.

WRAT Wide Range Achievement Test (5th Ed.) measures basic academic skills such as reading, spelling and math computation, which are necessary for effective learning, communication and thinking. Used together with the WRIT provides reliable evaluation of achievement-ability discrepancies to help to identify specific learning difficulties. The various levels of the subtests are suitable for individuals aged 5 years and above.

CTOPP-2 The Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing (2nd Ed.) assesses phonological awareness, phonological memory, and rapid naming. Individuals with deficits in one or more of these kinds of phonological processing abilities may have more difficulty learning to read than those who do not. This test was developed to aid in the identification of individuals from preschool through to university age, who may profit from instructional activities to enhance their phonological skills.

CAT-C Clinical Assessment of Attention Deficit is a comprehensive assessment of attention deficit with and without hyperactivity, suitable for ages 8-18 years.

CAT-A Clinical Assessment of Attention Deficit is a comprehensive assessment of attention deficit with and without hyperactivity. Available for adults from the age of 18 years.

Conner 3rd and 4th Edition is a thorough and focused assessment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and its most common comorbid problems and disorders in children and adolescents. These include problems in Executive Functioning, Learning Problems, Defiance/Aggression, Peer/Family Relations, Conduct Disorder (CD) and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). The assessment is available for individuals from the age of 6 through 18 and takes into account home, school, and personal context.

CAB Clinical Assessment of Behavior is a comprehensive assessment of child behavior (ages 2 through 18) that helps to identify problematic behaviors related to anxiety, depression, attention regulation, hyperactivity, bullying, anger, aggression, conduct problems, autism spectrum disorders, learning disability, mental retardation, executive functions and social skills.

GARS-3 The Gilliam Autism Rating Scale (3rd Ed.) this autism diagnostic scale is a highly reliable instrument that assists in identifying and diagnosing autism in individuals ages 3-22 years, as well as estimating the severity of the individual's disorder. Items on this test are based on the definitions of autism adopted by the Autism Society of America and the DSM-5™.

Sensory Processing Measure is an integrated system of rating scales that enables assessment of sensory processing issues, praxis and social participation in elementary school-aged children. The three forms: the Home Form, The School Environments Form and the Main Classroom Form, provide a unique and comprehensive persopective on a child's sensory functioning at home, school, and social environments. Its' conceptual principles are based on Jean Ayres's sensory integration theory. It is available to children aged 5 through 12. Together with other sources of relevant data, such as interviews with parents and teachers, medical records, clinical observations and results of other tests, it might provide to be a very useful tool in detecting any sensory processing disorders.

Beery VMI Beery-Buketnica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration is designed to assess the extent to which individuals can integrate their visual and motor abilities (eye-hand coordination). The test is mostly used as a part of an educational assessment in cases of suspected learning difficulties related to attention issues, handwriting, and reading. Beery VMI is available for children from the age of 2.

BOT-2 The Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency 2nd Ed. provides a comprehensive assessment of motor skills, including measures of gross and fine motor proficiency, making it a useful tool to a variety of practitioners, specialists, and researchers.  The subtests and corresponding composites that assess manual coordination, body coordination, and strength and agility skills will be especially informative for developmental adaptive PE teachers and physical therapists, while the subtests and corresponding composites that assess fine manual control skills will be particularly valuable to occupational therapists, special educators, classroom teachers, and rehabilitation specialists. The subtests include FIne Motor Precision, Fine Motor Integration, Manual Dexterity, Bilateral Coordination, Balance, Running Speed and Agility, and Upper-Limb Coordination. It can be used in supporting diagnosis of motor impairments, screening, making placement decisions, developing and evaluating motor training programs and assisting clinicians. Available to individuals from 4 through 21 years old.      

Developmental Assessment of Young Children - Second Edition (DAYC-2) provides a global measure of child development in following domains: cognition, communication, social-emotional development, physical development, and adaptive behaviour. Cognitive domain measures conceptual skills: memory, planning, decision making, and discrimination. Communication domain measures skills related to sharing ideas, information and feelings with others, both verbally and non verbally (subdomains: receptive and expressive language). The social-emotional domain explores social awareness, relationships, and social competence. Physical development domain measures motor development (subdomains: gross and fine motor). Finally, adaptive domain investigates independent, self-help functioning. Skills include: toileting, feeding, dressing, and taking personal responsibility. Available for children from birth through age 5 years 11 months.
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