Psychometric testing for educational issues

When your child is experiencing trouble at school and you, as a parent, are concerned, one of the ways to resolve the anxiety is a psychoeducational assessment.

Assessments can be conducted in many ways. One of them is psychometric testing. Psychometric testing can help identify learning disabilities as well as inherent difficulties, which stand in the way of your child’s academic success. Additionally, it can assess intelligence, social and emotional development, learning styles, temperament, and other physical and mental abilities.

The tests should never be used as a sole source of information. To obtain a full picture of the condition, further information is always gathered from parents/caregivers, teachers/therapists, and the student, to create a comprehensive view of the individual in her/his specific situation. This information is collected with the use of various methods such as structured interviews and observations, for example.

The choice of psychometric instruments depends on the student’s specific needs and age. Tests and measures used by Affinity Consultancy include the following:

Verbal, Numerical, and Abstract Reasoning Tests, Memory and Attention Test, personality questionnaire (TDI), intellectual ability measures (WRIT, WISC-5), academic achievement tests (WRAT-5, WIAT-III) motor proficiency tests (BOT-2, Beery VMI), Sensory Processing Measure (SPM), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder measures (CAT-C/A, Conners-3/4), autism interviews/scales (GARS-3, PEP-3), and phonological awareness assessment (CTOPP-2). Please see the Portfolio of Tests and Questionnaires Section for further details.

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